Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18, 2014

well this week has been weird, and hard, and fun, and just all around different.
Thursday, we went to the mission office to pick up my new companion and to drop off elder Ewell, then i got to see my junior-junior batch... there is 90% sisters, there were only 2 elders. oh yeah, so my new companion is Elder Francis from Brisbane Australia, about 40 minutes from Australia zoo!!! he got to see and shake hands with Steve Irwin before he died. that is so crazy!!! and then when i first saw him, i thought to myself that i knew him before the mission, i swear i saw him when i was in Australia...
on Saturday we went to Lahug to the chapel for a devotional, we didn't really know who was going to be speaking but when we got there we found out that it was Sister McConkie, and Sister Burton. if you don't know who they are, they are the general relief society president and the general young women's president!!! then Elder Arden, the area presidency.
on our way back from the devotional there was a guy walking across the street, and there was a car that didn't see him, that is about all i want to share... he is alive still though. that was the first and only car accident i have seen while here, the drivers are all super crazy but for some odd reason they never get in any accidents!!!
On Monday we got no lessons because we went to the city to Chong Hua hospital, elder Francis has an ingrown toenail and it is super bad, and then i asked them about this thing on my pinkie, the doctor said that he will need to remove it, so we set a return appointment for tomorrow (Thursday)
on Tuesday we had an AMAZING day planned out, but then no one was home!!! it was about 102'F without the humidity so it was so much hotter with the humidity!!! we spent the entire day walking around, we got 2 lessons out of the 12 that we planned out!!! and then we got a wa'y klaro (not clear) referral from the sisters in Consolacion 2, we spent 2 hours walking around through the bukid looking for her...
WEDNESDAY, well we just got off the phone with President Tanner. Well dang... Lets just put it this way, this is my last week with him, so i gotta make the most of it!!! He goes back to the Tacloban mission on Sunday!!! i am so sad!!! i am going to miss him, i feel like i just really got to know him, now i gotta say goodbye... this week is starting off terrible, and then it will end terrible as well, i lose my companion, and we only have 2 days to work this week... darn:(

But i guess i will look at the positive side of it!!! i am kugihan sa Cebuano language, i am able to teach all the lessons and do small talk with everyone. I talked to several taxi drivers, and got to know them on our 4 hours of riding in taxis this week!

He also said he is doing wonderful. He has gained 30 pounds which made me laugh because I have lost 30 pounds. I told him how much more I wanted to lose and he told me NO because he didn't want to find that much more. hahaha  Kid still cracks me up.

Until next time......

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 11, 2014

WOW THIS WEEK WENT FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So last P-day we went fishing for ISDA (fish), which i guess makes perfect sense!!! That was pretty fun, but it was almost like going catching instead of fishing, we were at a fish pond... it was super sayon(easy) i caught 2 in about 30 seconds. The fish here is actually super good, i don't know if it is just because they are super fresh or if it is just good because i am forced to eat it!!!
On Thursday we went on splits again, i was the leader in our area, in ONE day we were able to get 10 lessons!!!! in one day that is UNREAL!!!! and we got a new IBD, right now in my area there are 8 investigators with a baptismal date!!! that is an unreal number!!! especially since i was in training until now! so we have an EXTRA hour of studies!!!
on Friday we had an OK day, mainly because i had just gone and taught the entire teaching pool the day before!!! we got a few new investigators. we were in a lesson with a Pentecostal, and Elder Ewell decided that because he knew about the Bible, because he just finished the New Testament that he could bible "debate" but he started to bible bash the man.... lets just say the Pentecostal knew A LOT more than Elder Ewell... he was super angry, he kept arguing how the Bible is the only word of God and that it was "PERFECT". i decided to bring up 2Ne29:8-10, about the bible being the only word of god... he was really quite after that... he just didn't want to say anything more, because i had disproved him. i gave him the 17 points to the true church card as well, hopefully that works for the benefit of us and doesn't hurt, their doctrine was perfect except for the lack of the Priesthood and then the prayer... and he was super humble and had faith. he was really awesome after we got over the bible bash!!!
Sunday was pretty awesome!!! we had 6 investigators attend church!!!! that is a new high, and then they are able to keep their IBD!!!! and we finished the week with a total of 26 lessons!!!!
mOnDaY was CRAZY!!! we only got one lesson, we had Zone Training meeting until 2, and then transfer calls, then lunch, and because i am DL's companion we had to go and check apartments, so we didnt start work until about 5... then we had an FHE about a 20 minute motor cycle ride away from our area. wow!!! crazy!!! oh yeah so about transfer calls, i am staying here in Consolacion, but Elder Ewell is transferring to Bohol, he will be the ZL for the Tagbilaran Zone. That is crazy!!! my new companion for at least a few weeks is Elder Francis, he is from the Tacloban Mission, and by the end of this next transfer they want all the missionaries back in Tacloban!!! so i dont know how long i will have him for!!! he is from Brisbane Australia!!! so i was there a couple of years ago!!! so it is a small world, hopefully i will be able to pick up an Australian accent in just a few weeks!!!
Today!!!! we got to go to the TEMPLE again!!!! yeah!!! 3 times at the temple in 3 months... wow three months already!!! time flies by so fast.... especially when having loads of fun and doing work... there is no time to do anything else, but the time is super fast!!!

-Elder POGI-Larson

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February 5, 2014

The last 2 weeks of e-mails. Sorry behind yet again

sigi, kini mao ang pinaka lisod semana para sa amo, pero sa pinaka makalilisanggihapon. naa mi daghan mga appointments uban sa mga investigator. kami sa 25 mga leskyon. unta karon semana sa pinaka maayo, na mi 29 mga leskyon giplano. kon dili nasabtan kini, paggamit sa GOOGLE paghubad.
so this week the overcast or system of low pressure finally moved over! finally after 17 days of no sun, and waking up to clouds and super "cold".  the reason i say super cold is because it is always HOT here, so when it is about 68 degrees no one likes it. everyone was wearing like thick winter jackets!!! it was super funny, they were asking Elder Ewell and i if we were cold, of course we weren't. we tried to explain that this was still hot compared to the states right now!!!
So this week i guess we had some funny moments, we were walking, (mainly cause it makes great homecoming talk subjects and what not) and i was holding a leaf, i saw a dog just following us because i guess it thought we had food for it... and i tossed the leaf at it, it hit the dog (mind you this is a leaf) the dog started whining and running away yelping like i just shot it with a gun!!! it was so crazy!!!
last week we had some pretty cool teaching opportunities, we have an investigator that has some physical issues, he is about 15 years old, we had to teach him how to pray... it was almost like teaching a 4 year old, i taught him by example, so i would say something and then he would repeat it. it was so awesome, i now know what my parents felt like when teaching me and my siblings how to pray...
last Friday we had a SUPER DUPER busy day!!! we had a total of 12 lessons planned out for the day, and we defiantly had the potential to get all of them... but we ended up only getting 6 of the 12 we wanted. which, don't get me wrong, is an amazing amount of lessons to get in one day.
Saturday we had probably the worst lesson so far!!! we were teaching a bunch of kids Nika, Kate, Russel, and their 2 cousins, all under the age of 11... they didn't pay attention to what we were talking about, and were super distracted, there was no way we could feel the spirit, and it was like 10 minutes. they didn't show respect to their grandpa... it was just super hard all the way around...
but yesterday we went back and their mom was there (she is an RM very LA) we had about a 2 hour(very long i know) conversation with all of them on why they think that we come over, and just about our purpose, hopefully they start acting more their ages, and acting for themselves and stop relying on us so much. they have been receiving the missionary lessons for the last 1 year and about 3 months...
so in the MTC the teachers were saying that the people here are super kind, and that they are super honest... Sister Powell also said that if you are bigger than a Filipino that they would call you FAT, or TAMBOK, i didn't believe them until this week, when i almost went through the floor of a house... it was so crazy. so the floors are made out of bamboo sheets just across some 2X4's, i happened to step right in between the 2X4's and my foot went in!!!

oh yeah, so there were a couple of other dogs fighting and i threw a rock purposely trying to miss them. then they started to run, i picked up another rock and just tossed it up and random, one of them ran under it. and from about 50+ yards away you could just hear it yelp. it was so crazy, i didn't think i could even hit them. i wasn't trying... (ASHLEE don't judge me)!!!
I think that is about all for the weekly Email...
If any of you have any questions or comments just ask them.... it is hard trying to write without stuff to write about, or to answer any questions...

This week....

well i have no clue what week it truly is, it all just feels like one super big day! with of course short naps in between!

this week we had another RM in the ward where i am serving, he is OVER KUGI, or OVER DILIGENT!!! he is the son of one of the less active members that we are teaching, day 1 of him being home, he saw his brother for the first time in 2 years and started to chastise him for not reading his scriptures. he is just not fun for anyone to be around...
on Thursday we had the R.M. kuyog with us or i guess accompany us to the lessons. we went to a recent convert... he didn't say anything until the end and then at the end he just started saying what the sister was doing wrong and what she needed to do to be better, but it was NOT in a loving way, oh yeah, and he wasn't nice about it at all... i refuse to take him anymore with us... he is just not helpful to us!!! we took him home and then went to another lesson, this was our last lesson for the day i extended baptismal commitment to them and they finally said yes!!! the 11, 9, and 8 year old... they are super hard to teach, and they have flat out refused the commitment before, so we are slowly making progress...

on Friday we had a community service project (CSP) we went and used our sundangs (machetes) to help cut down trees and make a path! we were there for about 4 hours, we did the CSP for 3 and then went in and had a snack, ate some pan(bread) and binignit, i am not sure what it is, it was like hot chocolate stuff, not my favorite.. so after the CSP we had to walk home because it was raining really hard, it was about an hour long walk because of where we were at and where we had to go! once we finally got home Elder Ewell was feeling sick, so i had him check his Temperature, because i am just the boss man... he had a fever of 102.2, so yeah that isn't good as a missionary... we didn't have any water so we went to get some and then we just went back home... Later in the evening there was a lot of wind, we had been hearing rumors of a typhoon coming, but we had heard about those a lot! but there was a typhoon on Friday night, it was only a 2 so it wasn't too bad, but now i can say i went through a typhoon!!
Saturday was weird, nothing felt right for the entire day! we went to a baptism... of course Elder Ewell was feeling better, we were the only two people at the baptism other than the person being baptized and the sister missionaries.... after the baptism the sisters wanted us to go to their area really quick to give an investigator that has cancer a priesthood blessing... it was super awesome, i was so nervous about it...
Sunday was another weird/off day! we found a super elect person after being punted 2 times... and then at church we have a member that makes customized jewelry, he is making a "CEBU EAST MISSION" ring for me, it is solid silver and then a CTR/PAM ring for 1000 pesos or 1500 for both!!! and then i will probably get a few more things too! it is so crazy what you can get here for just a little bit of money.
on Monday we had 3 different kuyogs, they had no knowledge of what we were doing, they just made teaching so much harder... it feels like we just cut some ropes to the bridges that we have been building with the members, and investigators... and then i had to do all of the teaching because elder ewell couldn't speak... laryngitis... and then the kuyogs we had chastised me because i am not perfect at the language... they were just super terrible i don't like having kuyogs any more!!!!
yesterday we had a sick day, couldn't really do much and i hated it because we couldn't do anything!!!